Hello There,

This Is Yeamin

I'm full-stack web development learning

There is not much relation between what type of developer you are and your work life balance. I am a Full-Stack developer and I have a proper work life balance. I start of at 2:30PM and work till 5AM or 5:30 PM, just like all other FrontEnd and BackEnd developers. In Agile environment, I will take up FE card today and a BE card tomorrow. FrontEnd developer will take FE card today, tomorrow and day after. BackEnd developer will take BE card today tomorrow until he become a Full-Stack developer. This is the only difference. Just because I know more technologies or languages doesn’t mean that I need to work harder or more.

Md Yeamin

My Web-development journey

With Jhankar Mahbub

Hard work will bring you success



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit a perferendis nihil hic odio nemo accusantium pariatur in. Doloremque nulla qui dolorum quibusdam at vero. Perferendis omnis ut eveniet aut hic nulla quisquam nostrum non? Fugit accusamus quisquam incidunt pariatur fuga ut eum rerum, est et perferendis saepe cupiditate,


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit a perferendis nihil hic odio nemo accusantium pariatur in. Doloremque nulla qui dolorum quibusdam at vero. Perferendis omnis ut eveniet aut hic nulla quisquam nostrum non? Fugit accusamus quisquam incidunt pariatur fuga ut eum rerum, est et perferendis saepe cupiditate,

Jhangkar Mahbub

Web Development Course with Jhankar Mahbub

About Jhankar Mahbub

Jhangkar Mahbub started writing at a very young age. It started by drawing on the walls of the house, on the pages of the sisters' books or on the body of the father while he was asleep. However, attempts to force the author's infinite talent to flourish were thwarted step by step. One of these obstacles was the complaints of the sisters to the mother, the sleeping pillow, the gossip of the home teacher, the deception of the questions in the annual examination. Even then, by pointing the finger at these obstacles, the writer was able to move freely in almost all branches of culture. The writer wisely said- there was wandering. Because now there is no wandering. Moreover, not being able to take advantage of writing poems, novels, stories or essays, he started writing about programming as a last resort. Jhangkar Mahbub, Hablu the Great To learn more about Jhangkar, visit: JhankarMahbub.com